
艾伦·亚历山大·米尔恩(1882~1956),英国著名剧作家,小说家,童话作家和儿童诗人。毕业于英国剑桥大学 。一生主要童话有《小熊温尼.菩》(1926),《菩角小屋》(1928)等;儿童诗集《当我们还很小的时候》(1924),《我们已经6岁了》(1927)等。轻喜剧《皮姆先生过去了》,《迈克尔和玛丽》;儿童剧《假象》。此外还有侦探小说《红房子的秘密》等。

I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.


“'Sometimes,' said Pooh, 'the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.'”


“Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would, I'd never leave.”


“'How do you spell love?' - Piglet'You don't spell it...you feel it.' - Pooh”


“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.”


If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever.


Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.
