
安托万·德·圣-埃克苏佩里(法语:Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,1900年6月29日-1944年7月31日),也译作安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里 [6],法国作家。他是法国最早的一代飞行员之一。出生在法国里昂 [10]。1940年流亡美国,侨居纽约,埋头文学创作。1943年参加盟军在北非的抗战。1944年他在执行第八次飞行侦察任务时在地中海上空失踪。其作品主要描述飞行员生活,代表作有小说《夜航》,散文集《人的大地》《空军飞行员》,童话《小王子》等。

I always think I am very rich, have the unique flower on a world; Actually, what what I have is a common rose nevertheless just. A common rose.


I mention pail slowly on well column. I it firm quietly is put over. There still is the singing of winch in my ear. Still still go up in ramshackle surface, I see the shadow of the sun is beating.


To me character, you are a little boy only, and other by tens of thousands without what little boy is different. I do not need you. You also do not need me. To you character, I also am mixed other by tens of thousands the fox does not have a difference. But, if you are domestic I, we needed with respect to each other. To me character, you are unrivaled; To you character, I also am unique...


Look for well on boundless and indistinct big desert blindly, really absurd. However we still begin to search.


Domestic it is the because of cornfield color that has profit to me. Farewell head sees those roses! When arriving, you understand your rose still is an unrivaled flower.
